Kamis, 28 April 2011



Every thinker has a different definition of the meaning of philosophy because understanding is so broad and abstract. But in a simple philosophy can be defined together as a system of values (systems of values) of the sublime that can be a handle or fad every individual, or family, or community groups and / or society, or in turn, certain state and nation. Education as an effort organized, planned, systematic, for transmitting culture in the broad sense (knowledge, attitudes, morals and values of life and the lives, skills, etc..) From one generation to another generation. The vision, mission and objectives to be achieved are all based on a particular philosophy. For us as a nation within a nation state (nation state) are independent, we are necessarily based on the educational philosophy of life that we agreed on and adhered together.

In our long history since our formation as a nation (nation formation) until the formation of nation states (state formation and nation-state) are independent, in every period of time, education can not be separated from the philosophy that became the main foundation of any form of education because it involves the system the values of (systems of values) that give color and a "spirit of the age" (zeitgeist) adopted by each individual, family, members of the ¬-members of the community or society, or in turn the nation and national state. The foundation of this philosophy can only be traced through the study of history, especially the history of Indonesian Education.
As a comparison, in European countries (and America) in the 19th century and the 20th of attention to the History of Education has emerged from and used to further the purposes of all sorts, al to awaken the national consciousness, awareness of the unity of culture, professional development of teachers, or for pride against ¬ institutions and agencies of certain types of education. (Silver, 1985: 2266).
The substance and the pressure in the History of Education that vary depending on the purpose of the study: from the tradition of thought and great thinkers in education, national traditions, educational systems and their components, to the education in relation to a number of problematic elements in social change or stability, including religion, science (science), economic, and social movements. In connection with all the History of Education MI is closely related to intellectual history and social history. (Silver, 1985: Talbot, 1972: 193-210)

The essence of education itself is actually the transfer (transmission) culture (science, technology, ideas and spiritual values as well (aesthetics) of the older generation to the younger generation in every society or nation. Therefore history of education has a history as old as the perpetrators themselves, since the informal education in the family batih, until the formal and non-formal education in agricultural and industrial society.

During this History of Education still uses the old approach or "traditional" diachronic a study which generally centered on the history of ideas ¬-ideas and great thinkers in education, or history and education systems and institutions, or the history of legislation and policy common in education. (Silver, 1985: 2266) This diachronic approach is generally considered to be static, narrow and too inward looking. In line with the times and progress in education along with all sorts of problems arising or resulting, handling and a new approach in History of Education as a pressing need felt by historians of education later. (Talbot, 1972: 206-207)

Historians, especially historians of education look at the interrelationships between education and society; between education providers and the government as a representative of the nation and state to formulate policies (policy) common to national education. The product of education raises social mobility (vertical and horizontal); the problems that arise in the education of their impacts (positive or negative) is felt mainly by the user community, for example, the emergence of the middle class who are unemployed because of the type of education does not match the job market; or gaps in the distribution and quality of education, secondary education that can only be enjoyed by children of rich people with the terminal of the children's education ¬ children whose parents can not afford; commercialization of education in the form of foundations and so forth. Overall demand improvements in methodological research and writing of better history danipada before to handle all these educational problems.

In connection with the above approach is not enough new Education History in ways diachronic only. There should be a new methodological approach that is al, interdisciplinary. The interdisciplinary approach is a combination approach with a synchronic diachronic history-ihmu social sciences. Now this particular social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, and politics has entered the "border" (history) education with the "applied sciences" so-called educational anthropology, sociology, education, and political education. In this approach be utilized optimally and maximally dialogical relationship "simbiose mutualism" between history with social sciences.

History of National Education of Indonesia in the sense of including relatively new. In the days of colonial rule was also a concern that is taught in a diachronic since the time of the education systems of Hindu, Islamic, Portuguese, VOC, Dutch East Indies government-19th century. Then proceed with education during the Japanese occupation and after Indonesia's independence diachronic model is still being continued till now.

Lectures conducted by interdisiplm approach (diachronic and / or synchronic). For the History of Education of Indonesia recently, the substance of the whole spectrum of education which had temporarily accepted and still valid in Indonesia; the relationship between education policy with national political government, including policy formulation and curriculum changes that accompany it with all its aspects; educational institutions (government and private ); formal and non-formal general education, specialized and religion. In short all sorts of paper faced by education in Indonesia, past and present and look to the future prosepeknya. History as a reflective study can be used to look forward prosepek although no pretensions to predict. In any discussion of philosophy melatarinya attempted visits.

Sources used: The first source (primary sources) in the form of documents relating to education policy; second sources (secondary sources) benipa articles, monographs, or books and papers about the development of education. As a comparative material resources of the History of Education in other countries which can be obtained via the internet, etc..

Way of presenting lectures mainly through discussions, especially to discuss the documents of the first sources; make Chapter and / or Book Report; prepare individual papers and / or group discussion.

Education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.
Education could have started from before the baby is born as practiced by many people by playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he will be able to (teach) their baby before birth.
For some people experience daily life more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let school interfere with my education."
Family members have a teaching role that is very deep - often more profound than they realize - though family teaching running unofficially
Indonesian education of present and future
April 20, 2009, is in sight. Starting high school student / SMK / MA from the name of the National Exam. During 4 days of their graduation will be tested based on the process for 3 years have passed. A week later the student junior high schools and two weeks later UASBN for students in primary schools.
Has the importance of the National Examination
Able said to be very important to measure the ability for that student. Each will have definite progress is required exam. Although so far many pros and cons of the national exam, but how is still highly relevant in addition to the assessment of the school where the student's school.
The problem now is, if the student's own internal review of whether they were ready to face the exam or not? If they speak not, for 3 years they were doing aja? Many things can be done in the exam, such as by setting schedul in learning. Structuring a systematic study and implementation of a continuous learning will surely give the result of hard labor. However, if only just come to school without any preparation and learn first from the home due to the havoc of the National Exam will be realized. This means not graduating because of the learning process for three years did not give results.
Not to mention if the external review of the completeness sarpra schools and teachers. It will also contribute to their students. If there are teachers who can not afford to be a teacher as a teaser, love and education to students automatically become a disaster for students. Development of learning patterns given by teachers will obviously give confidence to pupils in national exams later. With 20% of state budget funds should have been made to education in Indonesia moved into more meaningful. Use the funds were actually for the advancement of education. Of all the lines should be controll. For the progress of education in Indonesia.
It's a common problem among schools, teachers and community. Not later when parents enroll their children in one school and then did not care about other children and a sense of apathy. Especially nowadays, all lines pendidika from elementary through high school is free (country specific). When parents still pay just feel indifferent towards their children, especially later when free? During this time the parents come to school with forced only if there is a problem concerning his son. Even invited to come to school at the end of the semester even sometimes just sent (sorry) assistants, and some even nyomot bring people to represent parents in schools that are not related. Pathetic is not

It is time that education in Indonesia should move forward in accordance with meambatnya time after time. United among schools, teachers, government and society is indispensable in advancing our nation's future education. Rise of Indonesian education.


State or federal elected union United States (U.S.) is also reflected in the educational system that embraces decentralization through the states (states).
Responsible for all matters of education are primary education department based in Washington.

Similar to Indonesia, other government, private and religious organizations are also permitted to establish schools. Level of school they established varies from elementary to university level. Private schools are also allowed to use a different educational system with that used in the respective states. Boarding school (boarding school) is an example of the type of school which was opened by private or religious organizations.
Especially on higher education, higher education in the United States can be divided into College and University. College general-with few exceptions, more focused education degree program (undergraduate), while the university conducted a good degree (undergraduate) and graduate (graduate). At the term university college to be similar to the faculty. For example, in the university we will find the College of Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) or the College of Economics (Faculty of Economics).
However, as mentioned earlier, the college at this university care only undergraduate program (undergraduate). So if there are prospective student from Indonesia wants to sign up for the Master of Mining Engineering, he must relate to the Graduate College (Graduate Program). Graduate College will then forward the application to the Department of Mining Engineering, which would then be returned to the Graduate College to be decided whether the applicant was accepted or not. If finally accepted, the student will be administratively enrolled in the Graduate College and an academic in the Department of Mining Engineering.
For graduate programs, not all universities offer doctoral programs. Some of them only offer up to masters level, especially if the program is intended to educate graduates as practitioners in the world who are ready to work. This master's program there are 2 kinds. Master terminal and sustainable master.
In 2001 rather than December 2 s.d. June 16 some people echelon II officials in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the regional center to visit the United States, particularly in the state of Virginia, to conduct comparative studies in education. The result of comparative studies have been reported to the leadership of the Department of Religion, but probably a small part of knowing. Even the participants who took part did a comparative study might have forgotten since crushed by the various programs and activities undertaken in each unit. Here I try to tell back some of the things associated with the results of these comparative studies.

There are two kinds of education in the U.S., namely public and private, yet between them there is education in the home. Because there is no mention in the constitution, then the responsibility is on the state of education. Supervision of education conducted by the 3 parties, namely federal, state, and local control. At the local level, surveillance conducted by the school board, superintendent, school districts, parents, and community. Each state or state had its own education system, so there are 50 different education systems in the U.S. according to the number of states. Each delegate powers to the school board. Therefore, control of education lies in schools and communities in the district. Each school has a system of education. If the number of schools in the U.S. there are 14,000, this means that there are 14,000 kinds of education systems. This amount decreased from year to year. In 1930 as many as 130,000 thousand, and in 2000 lived 14,000. Regulated learning hours every day between 6-7 hours, including lunch. Within a year came in about 180-190 days are divided into 4 quarters @ 9 weeks for the high school. Meanwhile, junior high school level between 6-7 hours a day @ 45-55 minute lessons. Sometimes there are scheduling with a period of 90
Minutes called (block)

Core curriculum determined by each state, consisting of: language arts (writing, spelling, reading), language, science, mathematics, social science, and sports. Terms of graduates is determined by each state, and at that time 34 states require tests for students who produce the product, so not a written test. These products which include the results of research and presented in front of the class. Ebtanas not exist. Apparently, no one particular educational system should be adopted in the U.S..

The goal of education in the United States
The language is the goal, direction, direction, purpose. An example is when parents send their children to become smart and berakhlaq, then the purpose of educating their children to school he was for it. In a larger scale is set by the government education system and managemennya good. Another example of educational goals that are held by the state is the concept of purpose in American education which released in 1989 as well. They use the concept of "clear, Concise, target" to develop their educational goals. In this concept is that educational goals must be clear, there is controlling the implementation and results to be achieved within a certain time. The idea of this before was criticized once by Ivan Illich, with the idea of "de-school-ization of society," because education in America requires that the school has become the only place to learn and only the most academic output delivery cost is very expensive. In life one must learn to survive anywhere, anytime and not be in cages school. That's why Illich proposed to be free from formal schooling. Education anywhere and anytime in its essence is this sama.Hal ungkapakan by Robert Maynard Hutchins namely that:
Education can be said to succeed if it has goals
clearly and pursued by the measures it is also clear.

C. Structure and Types of Education in the U.S.

We start with the structure of education in the U.S..
The Americans took 12 years of education in primary and secondary school. With a diploma from secondary school (high school), they can continue their studies to a college, university, vocational (job training) school, secretarial school, and other school professionals. Primary and Secondary School: Children in the U.S. went to school (primary school) at the age of 6 years. They are studying there for 5 or 6 years. Then they proceed to secondary school (secondary school) consisting of 3 years in the "middle school" or "junior high school" and 3 or 4 years in the "senior high school" (more often called "high school" course). U.S. People mention the class / level within the first 12 years of this school by the term "grade".
Higher Education: After completing high school (Twelfth grade), they can continue their studies to a college or university. Education at a college or university is known as higher education ("higher education"). We must know the level of education in our country with Twelfth grade level in the U.S.. We must also ascertain whether the need to take 1-2 years of preparation before it can apply to schools in the U.S.. In some countries, governments and the private sector sometimes do not recognize the degree that we can in the U.S. if we go to one of college before graduating high school.
Education at a college or university that provides a Bachelor of education known as "undergraduate". Continuation of education called education "graduate" or "post-graduate". Continuing education or graduate education includes legal, medical, MBA, and Ph.D. (Doctorate). Where we travel in the U.S. higher education
Comunnity many colleges that offer transfer programs. Students who have completed this program may transfer credits to a college or university to continue to undergraduate education. This transfer program can help a lot of foreign students. Two years at community college to give them the opportunity to improve their English skills while they adjust to the educational system and lifestyle in the U.S..
In addition to transfer programs, community colleges offer a wide selection of vocational (job-training) program. These programs prepare students to various career opportunities, ranging from business administration and computer programmers, to the nurse, fashion design and management of hotel / restaurant. Students who complete this program will earn a degree or certificate.
Some community colleges provide housing and counseling services that may be needed by students asing.Sekali again, make sure that a degree from a community college can be used to search for jobs in the homeland. Most countries, but not all, recognize this title.
5. Professional School: Professional School to educate students in such fields as art, music, engineering, business and other professions. Some of them are part of the university, some longer a separate school. Some professional school offering graduate degrees.
6. Institute of Technology: This is a school that requires at least four years of study in science and technology. Some of them have graduate programs. The others are similar to community and junior colleges as well as offer programs that are shorter in the field easier.
7. Technical Institute: The institute is taught technical areas such as
medical technology or industrial engineering. Although education can give

provision for careers that we want, the degree to which we can here are not always equivalent to a degree from a college or university. Some colleges and universities do not recognize credits from this institution in the transfer program. If we intend to follow education in one of the technical institute, first check whether our government, college, or university in the U.S. recognize the title given.
8. Church-related School: Many colleges and universities in the U.S. which was founded by religious institutions. Nevertheless the relationship between the school and its founder can be very flexible organization. Sometimes these schools prefer students who come from backgrounds similar to the founders. But almost all schools admit students of any religion and belief.
Undergraduate Education (College)
Areas of study: Students in the United States usually learn the various fields of study in college. They do not specialize in one particular field of study until they graduate educated. The first two years in college called the year "freshman" and "sophomore". First year students called "freshmen" and they become "sophomores" in the second year. Some schools require freshmen and both of them to take courses from several fields: literature, science, social science, arts, history, and so forth. Freshmen and Sophomores this
Called "underclassmen." "Junior" and "senior," or third and fourth year, is "the upper classes." The third and fourth year students are called "junior" and "senior" - "upperclassmen." When the student enters the third year (junior year), they must choose the main courses (major field of study). They are required to take a number of subjects in the field / department. In some schools, students also take a "minor field." Usually there is also an opportunity to take courses, elective courses in the field
Each student will receive a mentor (faculty advisor), who taught courses that field. These tutors assist students in selecting and planning
Program studies.

Foreign students will also be accompanied by the "International Student Advisor." They help
foreign students adjust to life in the U.S., helping to take care of visa and other administrative matters, as well as organize activities for foreign students. The process of learning and teaching: Lectures conducted ranging from large classes with hundreds of students to small classes and "seminars" (discussion classes) with only a few students. Students who register for a course are often divided into groups of smaller or "sections." Each group met separately to discuss topics relevant courses or other material. Lecturers usually provide reading material from textbooks or other sources each week. They also asked several written reports each semester (term). We are expected to master the reading materials in order to follow the discussion and understand the lectures. Science students are also required to spend time in the laboratory.
Academic year: The academic calendar usually begins in August or September and lasts until May or June. Foreign students should go to university in the U.S. in the fall. Most new students begin to enter in at the moment, so they can make adjustments together. In addition, many courses that must be taken in sequence starting autumn and continues throughout the year. The academic year at many schools consist of two "term" (semester). Some use a "three-term calendar" which is known as the "trimester." Still others divide the academic year into four quarters, including summer courses that are not mandatory. Credit: Each course is weighted credit. This credit number roughly equal to the number of hours spent by students to follow a particular subject each week. Each course typically has a weight of 3-5 credits.
Total loans that must be taken at most schools is 12 or 15 credits (four or five courses per semester). Foreign students are expected to take all courses every semester. Transfer: If a student moved to another university before completing their education, usually most credits earned at previous schools can use to continue his education at the new university. This means a student can move and transfer credits to another university and still might pass in the not too long.
Advanced placement: Some colleges and universities give bonus credits to students for some of the things they did while in high school. Some schools also give special dispensation to those who proved to have ability equivalent to the ability of college students in certain fields.
This means that students who had just entered college (freshman) to take the course that should be reserved for second-year student (sophomore).
The school may ask the student to follow a special test to prove that the students had to work on the problems for second-year student, or they conduct more tests to students who score high on college entrance exams. Candidates for high-achieving students in high school often have this opportunity.
Postgraduate Education (Graduate)
To get a good job, college graduate with a Bachelor's degree is usually considered to continue his studies to graduate level.
Master Level: Many companies require a Master's degree to fill the vacancy at a particular position. This degree is usually required in the fields of library science, engineering, or social work. Education MBA, or Master of Business Administration, is a very popular program and usually must be followed for two years. Some Master's programs, such as journalism, it only takes one year. In the academic master's programs, students studying fields such as history or philosophy. This title is usually the preparation to proceed to the doctoral level.
Most of the time on master's program is spent on lectures. Participants of this program usually must make a research report called the thesis, but some require a master's program does a lot of study and personal research.
Doctoral level (Ph.D.): Many schools consider the Master as the first step to achieving his Ph.D. (Doctorate). But at other schools, students can simply follow the doctoral program without having to get a Master's degree first. If we are capable and confident will be able to complete the doctoral level, maybe we would prefer the latter because we can immediately follow the program. But we must remember, if we are unable to complete this education, we will not get any degree. Therefore, if we do not believe will be able to complete this doctoral program, we'd better take a master's program. After getting his Master, then we proceed to the doctoral level. Students who follow this doctoral program is a doctoral candidate. They will follow a few lectures, but the main and most important activity resulting in a Ph.D. is to conduct original research.
It takes about three years or more to get his Ph.D. For foreign students, the time needed to reach five or six years. During the first two years, doctoral candidates are taking several courses and seminars. Then at least one of the following year, they conduct research and write a thesis or dissertation. Paper.

Initial effort to evaluate the first and second wave in 1980 menghsilkan more than decision-making in a classroom aerobik.Sebagaimana at the end of the decade, all reform strategies in some other form is still alive, but certainly some sound better than others .
Perhaps one of the best forecasters may occur in the future (and why) comes from Larry Cuban who sees the problem-solving in the field of engineering in mendalam.Para
Permasalhan engineers tend to classify as a quality control issue or pattern, or a combination keduanya.Permasalahan quality control, he called change orders -
The first, and design issues he called a change order - second.
In education, as well as in engineering, first-order change appears better what is done for sure, but more effective and efficient to do so. First-order changes include, for example, salary increases, selecting better textbooks, require additional courses, improve the terms - the terms of graduation, requires testing

Additionally, requiring additional hours of in-service training, training and recruitment needs better teachers, provide resources allocation more appropriate, and tingakat higher responsibility.
Cuban wrote about the order - first, reform of quality control.
They seek to make existing systems more productive, do not disturb the basic role of the classroom or the structure of historical sekolah.Desain mastery of general education received in urban schools in the mid-19th century was the primary leaves are utuh.Tiga decades of central government and State intervention has clearly loaded against the first-order changes that have strengthened the structure of Adar of the education received.
The second level includes the issue of reform and structural change that required mastery significantly in individual and organizational behavior, the role of organizations, school culture, decision-making process of determination and standard operating procedures.
Illustration of the reform order - both include, for example, focus on student instruction, team teaching, school-based management, learning programs, flexible schedules, distinguished staff, teachers, or parents-schools, schools within a school and a school without a rating.
Testing the scope of reform prtama and second order as compared with the first and second wave of reforms during the 1980s, a general observation first wave tends to dominate (though not exclusively) with the variation order - the first "top down". Historically, Cuban researching this type of be most successful. Since the century turned, the success of school reform - the changes have been incorporated into the routine of school operations - which generally make a series of change orders - a first.
However, although the variation orders - both more complex and more difficult to put in its foundation, it holds the promise to restructure the purpose of education which has become a destination of hope most Americans.
Reform will remain in force and probably succeed only if "both the public and convince the teacher education policy in a meaningful - for example, that teacher is someone who passed the competency test really - really knows more about teaching, career path really - really encouraging talent to choose and live together in teaching, teachers in possession really - really make the school more effective and more students graduating baik.Barangkali the most important of all, do reforms - individually or collectively - make a difference in learning levels that play a role in space class.

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